Terms of Service

Welcome to truebluearmy.com (“the Website”). By accessing or using this platform, you agree to comply with and remain bound by the Website’s Terms of Service. Please read these terms carefully before using the Website.

  1. Age Restriction:
    • You must be 18 years of age or older to use truebluearmy.com. If you are under 18, you must discontinue use of this platform immediately.
  2. Forum Publisher:
    • truebluearmy.com is published by Colin Farmery under the brand name FCMedia.eu.
  3. Moderation Team:
    • truebluearmy.com is moderated by individuals who volunteer their time and efforts to FCMedia.eu on an unpaid, part-time basis.
    • The moderators do their best to ensure compliance with these Terms of Service, but they may not always be available to monitor the platform in real-time.
    • The moderation team post using a service account called Site_Admin.
    • The moderation team will generally keep a low profile and will not use the service account to engage in discussions and debates.
  4. Content Moderation:
    • All messages posted on this discussion system express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of FCMedia.eu. Therefore, the publisher and moderators take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted.
    • We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message. The views expressed on this message board are those of the individual contributors only and are not necessarily shared by the Publisher.
    • It is our intent to remove all and any messages containing inappropriate, sexually oriented, abusive, hateful, slanderous, or threatening material that could be considered invasive of a person’s privacy, or which otherwise violate any kind of law.
    • If you encounter content that violates these Terms of Service or have concerns about any aspect of the platform, please report it using the reporting functionality on the forum or by sending an email to site_admin@truebluearmy.com. Your reports are valuable in helping us maintain a safe and welcoming community.
  5. Service Availability:
    • The service is published on an as-is basis with no guarantees around service availability and uptime.
    • If there are any concerns about the performance or availability, please report them to site_admin@truebluearmy.com.
    • The moderators will acknowledge any known service availability issues on the Service Status page.
    • The moderators will attempt to resolve any service availability issues as soon as possible, subject to their availability and the availability of third and fourth line support services, as applicable.
  6. Cookies and Privacy:
    • By using truebluearmy.com, you agree to the use of all and any cookies considered necessary for the website’s functionality.
    • In the event that non-essential cookies are introduced in the future, a cookie disclaimer will be presented to users upon login. You will be required to accept this disclaimer, explicitly authorising the use of such non-essential cookies before continuing to use the platform
  7. Freedom of Speech:
    • Freedom of speech, as a legal concept, generally applies to government actions that restrict speech and expression.
    • Private entities, such as message board owners or administrators, have the right to set rules and policies for their platforms, which may include deleting or moderating content that violates their Terms of Service.
    • While we value freedom of speech, we appreciate your understanding that the moderation of content on this platform is occasionally required in order to maintain a positive and respectful environment for all users.
  8. Prohibited Content:
    • The following types of content are strictly prohibited on truebluearmy.com:
      • Abusive or offensive language, including homophobic slurs, references to sexuality in a pejorative or derogatory manner, and racism.
      • Hateful or discriminatory content based on race, religion, gender, disability, mental health or other personal characteristics.
      • Sexually oriented material.
      • Slanderous or defamatory statements.
      • Threatening or harassing material.
      • Posts which, in the opinion of the moderators, serve to disrupt the topic of conversation. Examples include (but are not limited to): thread hijacking, name calling, squabbling, posting of entirely off-topic spam content.
      • Posts which seek to identify and/or reveal the identity of other users of the Website and/or share their personal contact information.
      • Posts which glorify or seek to organise acts of violence or football hooliganism.
      • Advertising of products and services.
      • Advertising of items for sale.
      • Advertising or sharing of illegal and/or unlicensed sports video and radio streams, including discussion about devices and techniques used to consume them.
      • Requests to participate in market or academic research.
      • Content of any kind which is posted by a non-human user, such as a scripted bot or AI tool.
  9. User Responsibility:
    • You are responsible for your own posts and contributions to truebluearmy.com. Please ensure that your content complies with these Terms of Service and does not violate any applicable laws or regulations.
  10. Consequences:
    • If you violate these Terms of Service, we reserve the right to remove violating content, temporarily suspend your account (“yellow card”) and, if deemed necessary, ban your account from using truebluearmy.com (“red card”).
    • In the case where a post has been edited by a moderator, it is expressly not the case that retained content is endorsed or promoted by the moderators of truebluearmy.com. All attribution and responsibility remains vested entirely in the original author of the post.
    • The decision of the moderators is final.
  11. Cooperation with Legal Investigations:
    • In extreme cases where there is a legal interest in any content posted by a user, the publishers will cooperate fully with any official civil or criminal investigation by providing information held about the user, which may identify them for the purposes of settling a claim.
  12. Changes to Terms:
    • FCMedia.eu reserves the right to update or modify these Terms of Service at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Website. Your continued use of the platform after any such modifications indicates your acceptance of the revised Terms of Service.
  13. Termination of Access:
    • FCMedia.eu reserves the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Website at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, violation of these Terms of Service.
  14. Contact Information:

By using truebluearmy.com, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms of Service.